
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

End of Day 3: Justifications

le icon of le night. good night. *yawns*

Hello, today I am faster, because I wasn't glued to the tv. I'm 2 couch lengths away, half typing, just so I could sleep before 5 for a change. I went to work tapping away on my ipad, searching for pictures to match my game coverages. I woke up a little earlier than 9am today, my head and my heart totally immersed in the swimming events. Dear blog, is this right? This is me, excited me, the me that is totally in love with the swim events and can't let go of it until I exhausted every strength I have to devour it whole. The blog's a perfect platform for that. 

Every mention of the word 'Olympic', every mention of the world 'swimming', every mention of any swimmers I know of at all, stirs me up. When I hear crowd cheering noises from someone's laptop I suppose they're watching the Olympics. It's a crazy kind of obsession. I don't even know where I get all these energy from. I haven't been sleeping much since the opening. 


But is it really worth it to be so mentally and physically exhausted? Is it really worth it to burn out my organs and feel the veins in my head pulsating every now and then? Is it worth it to wrinkly and be ugly for a week because of the inability to replenish skin cells (along with other organs of course, but I'm talking about surface value here). For a little moment at about 1:30am, I do feel like going to bed. I have assignments from le mum and le sis to deliver. Is the Olympics more important than my family? I did manage to proceed with these assignments, if you're wondering. It'll end by tomorrow. 

But the butterflies I get during this period is undesirable. It's like the 13 year old me when reading Harry Potter. It's like the 15 year old me, when watching So You Think You Can Dance and secretly locking myself up almost everyday just to, well, dance. It's pure love, that's the closest explaination I can arrive to. 4.45am, I do hope to reduce some of that throbbing migraine. 

Adios my friend, until tomorrow. 


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