
Thursday, August 2, 2012

End of Day 5: Fish finishes last...

le - you know what it is

Hello Day 5. I actually felt quite refreshed today and didn't feel sleepy at all...until now that is. I haven't covered any events due to a project that's due tomorrow. But for the first time I sat on the couch and really did nothing but enjoy the ride. I couldn't let go of not rushing back and typing the details down but I guess I was too tired to move. Oh well. The story will go like this:
on day 5, the Olympic fish finally call it quits! For the first time ever I have decided to go to bed instead of battling it out filling up the games coverage. 

-fast forward 5 hours -

This is by far the day with the lowest efficiency. It's Thursday and I have never been this late to go to work. What's this? Without coverage and being late for work? I am a double loser! Oh my...delirious text alert. So far, no one had successfully defended their title, Rebecca Soni looks set to be the first one to do so after breaking the world record with the semifinals. Feng Tian Wei, representing Singapore in the Table Tennis events won our first individual medal after 52 years. During the Bronze medal match, it's Singapore versus Japan right, and beside a couple Singaporean supporters, there's a chinese waving a china flag. :/

I feel quite sad for the Japanese because halfway through maybe the second round, she's already defeated. She and her coach had tears in their eyes, I know at any other occasion this young Japanese would have cried out loud. But she's so strong to keep going, her heart already elsewhere. :( But she's really young, and she's already the world no. 4. There's at least 2 more olympics for her to get that gold and I'm sure she'll get it. Go girl!


fish is very late

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