
Saturday, August 4, 2012

End of Day 7: Goodnight!

swim events coming to an end - athletics starting :D

Hello Day 7. It's been a week. And like I've said earlier, I have been lazy. And distracted. And maybe just impatient. Watched a very satisfying Tennis Men's Singles Semifinals; and I really feel like learning the sport. What's cute about it are the audience and ball girls. They run almost in cubified anime version to the fallen tennis ball only to crouch down by the sides, or stand as still as a stone behind. And the 4:30hr match, claimed to be Federer's longest ever match, attracted Kobe Bryant as well. The NBA legend signs a couple of autographs while chatting with fans, shot being cut to during small intervals. Also happening during those intervals, are every other spectator that shot up. Some stretched, others just stand and stone. I'm guessing their butt hurts from all that sitting down. As soon as the game begin, the cooperative bunch sat back down. 
The fish legend is swimming in a while but I really feel like hitting the sacks. For the first time ever, the yoggroupie has lost a little bit of steam and is going to retreat for the night. Is it that the swim event s had grew...uninteresting? Its as if I'm treating it as world-class entertainment and when that is over - really less people will be interested. Ok I don't really know what I'm yapping about. Oh man I am ashamed. It's 2am. Goodnight everyone. We'll see each other tomorrow.


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