
Sunday, July 29, 2012

End of Day 1

*Yawns* It's end of day 1 and it's 4:45am here in sunny Singapore. No worries, it's a sunday and I only need to be up at about...11am. Abit delusional here but would like to get some of my feelings out.
le google icon of le day

I still am awestruck by Olympics and especially swimming. I am amazed by the resilience of the swimmers, and how some could shine under pressure and deliver such incredible results. These people meet each other about twice every year, and they better themselves each year, train while thinking about their fiercest opponent on the other side of the world. Don't you think its just amazing? I was checking their track record but then I got tired of it. Almost all of the athletes you see at the pool held the world record some point in their career. Some are current holders. Some are new, fresh holders. I love how the commentator say "...and the world record holder in right there in the pool in lane..." He or she maybe the idol of his/her competitors in the other lanes, trained against his/her timing for years. It's all about the split seconds, +0.18, could make or break a swimmer. It could cause you your chance in the finals, it will make you lose your gold. 

Yup, the best in the world; they are compatriots, rivals, maybe friends. Without each other they won't be spurred on to swim their best.Sports is beautiful.  Sports is life! Can't live without it. Can't live without sleep, either. Adios my dear friends. Until tomorrow! 

olympic fish

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