
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Olympic Fish: Then & Now

Phelps training before Opening I suppose; judging by that mane..

[photo credit: official london 2012 website]

Anywho, as I'm waiting for the live telecast for the swimming finals/semis, (and battling my tired eyelids at 1:46am) I was setting up my 2012 olympic blog. And then I wondered who took my desired url. I went and saw none other than my 18 year old self, blogging and fangirl-ling, hot blooded and on a high about Beijing 2008. Extensive reviews and commentaries. I even made banners for Phelps. I'm definitely crazier then. No, I think I was in love then. Uh-huh no doubt. 

Older and wiser now ( I hope ), I want to continue my crazy tradition. Of course there's alot of things I would like to complain and compare about (how I was better with words then, more creative, more passionate etc.), but I won't do them here. At least for now. 

Phelps isn't that heavenly figure that I perceive him then. He's more down to earth. Probably because part of his image went down with news of his drugs usage. And the swim suit thing...swimmers are now banned from using that long suit.  He's still a legend though, and me, together with the world, will be forever admiring his extraordinary story and success. 

Oh yea, you can check out my 2008 blog here. Or at the sidebars --> ; you'll find my 2010 YOG swimming blog too. Whoever you are, dear stranger. Let's get inspired by the games together! :D

good luck fish

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