
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Women's 100m Butterfly Semifinals

Alas, Tao Li didn't make it. She finished fourth in the first semis but competition proved too fierce in the second round (even the 6th finished 2s ahead of Tao) hence Tao Li is out of the game. It will be a fierce one between Vollmer, Coutts and Sjostrom. One is a world record holder, another a new olympics record holder, and the other simply a medal regular. They did equally brilliant, Volmmer outshining them a little, but we'll see at the finals. With such fierce competition, it'll definitely be interesting! Who knows, maybe China will surprise the world again!

The finalists:

1. Dara Vollmer (Usa)
2. Alicia Coutts (Aus)
3. Jeanette Ottesen Gray (Den)
4. Sarah Sjostrom (Swe)
5. Claire Donahue (Usa)
6. Lu ying (Chn)
7. Ellen Gandy (Gbr)
8. Ilaria Bianchi (Ita)

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